Hong Kong Jockey Club races and horses dataset

All available race and horse statistics from the Hong Kong Jockey Club from the 1970s until today

Available from Hong Kong Jockey Club races and horses dataset from hkdata on Public Data Market

I am sorry that I contacted you as I cannot really access the data. Also the website has Error 504 very often.

Hi Ken, thanks for getting touch… What do you mean you cannot access the data?

Sorry that I am not very tech guy. I tried to download the data from website. I have tried the link of “CSV download of complete dataset”, a few times, and failed by network error. I do not know the total size of the CSV. I downloaded around 300MB and then get failed. I hope to have a way to download or access the data?

We’re getting popular recently, so the server is a bit under strain… It should be better now, and I will also write to you privately to make sure you get the entire dataset.

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